Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hollow world

Big city, shallow people... right? Wrong.
New York means none of that to me. What it means is busy people, people trying to look busy, busy people trying to look laid back - in short, it means life as it is everywhere. We're all the same, basically. Everything else you hear is just stereotype, good for a laugh.
Take Trump, for instance - the name (and the man) stands for big buildings, big money... right? Wrong, if you ask me. If you ask me, it stands for thinking big. And it also brings something else to my mind: that big shiny hollow globe at the entrance of the Trump International Hotel near Columbus Circle in Manhattan.

Trump International Hotel

Trust me, it's quite a sight!

Looking through the world

From any angle... :)

The globe and the tower

Damn, I miss that city... the atmosphere, the hustle and bustle of the streets, the sometimes eerie peace and quiet of Central Park, the unexpected patches of green of the many small parks scattered throughout the city... and, of course, the squirrels.
 This big city? I guess it means home to me :)

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